On practicing compassion

Compassion is interesting, because it is something that has profound effect. Especially, when practiced quietly. I work in customer service and in a way, I am very grateful that I have countless opportunities to practice.

For me, compassion is intrinsic to my spiritual practice. I understand compassion as : Allowing space to hear and listen to others. Beyond them speaking, it is also giving them space to ‘be’, to express and to let go of their troubles momentarily.

Now, the importance of ‘the moment’ is vital. Because after all, that is what life is..a series of moments. I remember times in the past when I used to be a little bit more bitter. In a way, my practice of compassion quickly became tainted with the idea that people were out to ‘bombard’ me with their issues and ‘drain’ me. There is a weird, rampant, whacked out belief in some spiritual circles about having to always ‘protect’ themselves against psychic attack. I know  as I used to think like that. But, my thinking has changed and I will explain why.

To always be on guard and constantly live behind barriers is no way to live. It is akin to having to live with armor on …all.the.time! On one hand you are sending out a signal, “I am ready to fight!” Can you imagine how stressed out you would be from having to be switched “on” all the time, from constantly being alert. Luckily, I have learnt to relax and I find sometimes the best defense is to be quite relaxed and aloof. Think about the tallest towers, which are designed to move and sway with the wind. It is all energy…If you go with the flow you are less likely to get buffeted about.

For example, The Burj Khalifa and the Tapei 101 are designed in such a way that they are flexible against considerable wind strength.  Man-made structures with allowances for nature! Unfortunately, sometimes as humans we forget to make allowances for stress.

Also, when you go around amping up your salt-line/ door thresholds, your energy circles and stuffing crystals down your bra (guilty!), you do another thing, which is cut yourself from the notion of “one-ness”, “connect-edness” and compassion. At the end of the day, one of the best things you can do is open your heart and listen.

You do not have to act, you do not have to solve anything in that time. You let your friend, family, stranger speak and you reserve your judgement. You listen to them with compassion, (not pity)with an open heart: I am here, speak to me and for the time, let your stress be shared and carried.

Because, after all. We are here living a bunch of moments together.